Which Types Of People Need Water Filter Most?

In recent years, many countries in the world have ignored the importance of environmental protection while developing the industrial economy which has led to the deterioration of water pollution in most major rivers. The most worrying thing is that the deterioration of water quality threatens people’s lives.


Probably for most strong young people, drinking a little water with impurities will not have much impact on their health. But for the elderly, pregnant women and high-risk disease groups, dirty water may cause harm to their bodies and may cause malignant diseases.

The best way to solve the problem of water pollution is to install a water filter with carbon cartridge, because this is the most direct and effective way to improve the quality of drinking water in the home. Because the carbon block water filter can effectively remove bacteria, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, spore cysts and other harmful substances in the water, it can meet the basic needs of these special groups. Speaking of which, you may be wondering why the quality of drinking water for the elderly, pregnant women and others needs special attention.

1. Elderly People

water with impurities will increase their probability of developing stones and increase blood thickening

With the increase of age, the functions of various organs of the elderly are continuously aging, which also increases their risk of various diseases. Because the metabolism of the elderly is not as good as that of the young, their immunity is also at a low level.At this time, if they drink water with scale, impurities or bacteria, it will increase their probability of developing stones and increase blood thickness, leading to high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.

In addition, for the elderly, the water purification performance of the water filter is really important, but the more important thing is the safe use of the water  water filter and the manufacturer’s after-sales service. The filter cartridge of the water purifier needs to be replaced after a period of use. Today, most brands of water purifiers use the filter replacement reminder and water quality monitoring function to remind them, but this is prone to three problems for the elderly:The first is that most of these intelligent  water filters remind people to change the filter cartridge in advance, but the elderly are relatively more economical, and they are not willing to spend money to replace the filter cartridge.The second is that most of the elderly have poor eyesight, and may not see the information on the screen;The third is that due to the influence of some physical conditions, some elderly people are unable to bend down or disassemble the water filter cartridge replacement.

2. Pregnant women

water containing heavy metals or pollutants can easily affect the healthy growth of the fetus

Before being pregnant, many girls may live casually and pay little attention to the quality of water, but once they are promoted to expectant mothers, they will start to pay attention to various details of life. As pregnant women have high requirements for food quality and nutrition, they need pure water for daily drinking and cooking. The amniotic fluid of a pregnant woman is the carrier on which the fetus depends. During the check-up process, the quality of the amniotic fluid is also an important indicator for the physician to evaluate the health of the fetus. Therefore, the amniotic fluid is a crucial existence for the fetus. So the safety of water quality is a top priority for pregnant women. Don’t take it lightly. The demand of this group for the use of carbon block water filter is very large and very important.

3. High-risk disease People

unsaft drinking water may cause them to lose their lives

For people who are already at high risk of a certain disease, they already have some kind of dysfunction or risk.Therefore, they need to use carbon block water filters to filter impurities and viruses and bacteria in the water to prevent harmful water quality from further harming their health and increasing the risk of disease.

In summary, as a water filter brand responsible for the health of consumers, we always think and develop our water purifier products from the perspective of consumers or demand groups. In this way, our company can have continuous development opportunities. If you have any questions about the use of water purifiers and drinking water safety, please feel free to contact us via email. HUATAN FILTRATION will always be by your side.
